AZIMUT360 installs 500 kW for Gambia MRC

AZIMUT360 installs 500 kW for Gambia MRC.

AZIMUT360 presents the project developed with MBolo Association and the Medical Research Council (MRC) installing 501 kWp in Gambia. As technical partners in charge of the design, management and commissioning of the installation, Azimut360 follows the story of empowerment of 3 women who throughout the installation develop dependable technical skills.

Inauguration of the Tanafelt solar micro-grid

Inauguration of the Tanafelt solar micro-grid.

On 12 June, in Dardara (Chefchaouen, Morocco), was held the conference to mark the start of the project “Improving the competitiveness of the Tanafelt Women’s Textile Cooperative for local economic development in Northern Morocco”. The project, developed jointly with the local counterpart ADL-Al Maghrib and co-financed by AECID, focused on consolidating two projects of Social and Solidary Economy: the Textile Cooperative of women of Tanafelt and the Cooperative of renewable energies Codiber. The latter was created in the framework of a project executed by Azimut 360 in partnership with the City of Chefchaouen.
The improvement of the competitiveness of the textile cooperative has been achieved in part through access to 24/24h quality electricity through a 4.2 kWp solar micro-grid that serves the school, the nursery and the homes of the teachers of the village. Cooperative members have attended various training courses in electrical sewing and product marketing, which has enabled them to expand their production capacity as well as their product catalogue and customer market.
Codiber, the Chefchaouen renewable energy cooperative, consolidated and strengthened its competencies through theoretical-practical training it received as an installation company in the execution of the Tanafelt solar micro-grid.

10 mesures per cooperativitzar els municipis

10 mesures per cooperativitzar els municipis.

Aquest 10 de maig la Federació de Cooperatives de Treball de Catalunya organitza l’acte de presentació de 10 mesures per cooperativitzar els municipis, una proposa concreta per impulsar les cooperatives amb la col·laboració dels ajuntaments, de cara a les pròximes eleccions municipals del 26 de maig.

Des d’Azimut 360 participem en el vídeo de presentació d’aquestes 10 mesures, que busquen impulsar el cooperativisme i l’economia social i solidària, entenent que som agents necessaris per a la democratització econòmica dels municipis i per un desenvolupament local transformador.

Volem que les cooperatives siguin un actor socioeconòmic clau en una economia més plural i per això cal emprendre diverses mesures. Entre d’altres, destaquem la millora de l’accés al finançament i ajuts, el foment de la intercooperació o la promoció de l’economia local. A més a més, es proposa incorporar el cooperativisme en l’àmbit educatiu, impulsar la recerca i desenvolupament en el sector i impulsar la gestió cooperativa i comunitària dels equipaments municipals.

Per més informació podeu veure al vídeo:

New IDAE Self-consumption Procedural Guide

New IDAE Self-consumption Procedural Guide.

We have just brought out our new Self-consumption Procedural Guide drawn up by IDAE in collaboration with ENERAGEN. It arises from RD 244/2019 approved in April 2019 and aims to describe the procedures to be followed in the public administration and the distribution companies for the power generation facilities for self-consumption.
After the Royal Decree-Law 15/2018 and the doors it opened for measures such as the repeal of the “sun tax”, the simplification of the installation classes or the inclusion of shared self-consumption, in April 2019 the new regulatory framework was completed and approved in  RD 244/2019. This law develops the administrative, technical and economic conditions of self-consumption, introduces individual and collective self-consumption configurations, establishes a simplified compensation for monthly surpluses and reorganizes the administrative registry of the installations, among others. It covers the new modes of self-consumption: self-consumption with surpluses (with or without compensation) and self-consumption without surpluses.
The Self-consumption Procedural Guide precisely contains this new legislation and offers the 17 administrative steps to follow for each modality described, either for individual or for collective installations. These may be in private homes, condominiums or industrial buildings. The guide also contains an analysis of the steps to be taken to correctly process installations carried out before the RD or installations to be expanded. It explains the simplified compensation mechanism and will soon explain the procedures in the autonomous regions.
The Guide is aimed at the general public, but above all at companies designing and installing self-consumption systems. We encourage you to consult it, as it is a good starting point to understand and be able to benefit from the new regulation.
To access the Guide, you can use this link:

New model of municipal regulation for promoting self-consumption installations

New model of municipal regulation for promoting self-consumption installations.

The Working Group of Local Authorities of the Board for Promoting Photovoltaic Self-consumption in Catalonia, promoted by the Catalan Institute of Energy, approves a municipal regulation model that encourages the implementation of self-consumption installations using photovoltaic solar energy.

The proposed municipal regulation model results from the Photovoltaic Promotion Board in Catalonia and responds to Act 16/2017 of the Parliament of Catalonia, which  establishes the need for municipalities to actively contribute to the objectives of the fight against climate change. Thus, the regulation is addressed to all municipalities that wish to incorporate and promote photovoltaic installations in their municipality, with the modifications they deem appropriate.

The first section defines the administrative actions the Council can take on solar photovoltaic self-consumption installations by setting simplified procedures. Specifically, it proposes a preliminary notification mechanism allowing installations to be executed when all the documentation is presented. This documentation must include a technical report of the installation, the official statement of the installation company, the detailed quote and the required proof of payment. Most of these documents are included in the Annex to the Regulation.

The second section sets the tax credits these facilities may be entitled to, specifically those affecting Property Tax and in the Tax on Buildings, Installations and Works. These are the proposed economic measures to incentivise these installations.

Click here to access the municipal regulations: