Azimut Lab

Azimut Lab is our research and development laboratory for new prototypes and projects.

Our engineering team is constantly working to test new products and innovative engineering solutions that guarantee fairer and more democratic access to energy and promote rights such as health, sustainable food and education, among others.


Medical oxygen is considered an essential drug according to the WHO, basic for the treatment of respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia and other respiratory diseases as highlighted by the Covid 19 pandemic.

Medical oxygen is considered an essential pharmaceutical according to the WHO. It is a basic component for treating infections in the respiratory tract such as pneumonia and other respiratory diseases, as was dramatically brought to the public’s attention during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Medical oxygen is also needed for anaesthesia, treatment of malaria, sepsis, tuberculosis and chronic cardiovascular diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma.

It can also be vital in the care of surgery and trauma, and the treatment of newborns with breathing difficulties.




A concentrator containing 82% O2 for medical use.
Local training of staff to cover operation and maintenance needs.
Autonomous solar energy systems that guarantee O2 throughout the year.
Monitoring of the online system and assistance worldwide.

We have brought medical oxygen to over 15 hospitals around the world.


And we will take it to many more!

Solar Container

In 2021 we were awarded the Innovative SME seal for our solar container project.

The engineering team has potentially solved providing access to energy and promoting self-consumption in contexts with low electrification rates or low-quality electricity supply.

The system’s integrated artificial intelligence (AI) enables us to dimension the solution optimally. Dimensioning is one of the crucial phases for determining the economic feasibility of these installations and considers key environmental, social and economic data.

This modular photovoltaic system is easy to transport, install, configure and use.

More info at International Consultancy

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