Training is a fundamental tool for development and capacity building.

That is why we carry out specific training for technicians and maintenance personnel around the world.

That is why we carry out specific training for technicians and maintenance personnel around the world.

Our experience and in-depth knowledge of the sector enables us to train new technicians in Spain and abroad.

We seek people’s maximum independence and autonomy, and so we provide the tools to understand how the executed installations work and how maintenance must be carried out.

We train local companies around the world to execute photovoltaic projects and collaborate in the training of young people and people in vulnerable situations, helping them learn the profession of photovoltaic installer.

Our team of trainers prepares teaching materials and specific sessions for municipal technicians, specialized schools and maintenance workforce training. We also provide training for renewable energy installation cooperatives, people in social and work insertion processes, and many others.

We enable rights and resources with solar energy

If you are interested in training, please contact us and we will inform you.


  • Drafting of training courses and teaching materials.
  • Delivery of “on-site” training sessions
  • Design and conduct outreach sessions and days

More information in the Consulting section.


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