Integrated assessment of the electricity system in Grenada

Consultancy project: integrated assessment of the electricity system in Grenada

Client: UNDP

Location: Grenada

Tasks carried out:

Forecast electricity demand up to 2035.
Identify the most efficient RE sources, and their locations, to be included in the electricity grid.
Assess the current state of the electricity grid and propose grid upgrades taking into account the evolution of demand and the penetration of renewable energy sources.
Propose an initial investment plan to achieve grid and generation system upgrades.
Analyse the current market solutions (tools) available and select a set that will allow GRENLEC to replicate the present study.

Brief description of the project:
General objective:

The general objective of the project is to improve the efficiency of the grid in Granada and increase the generation of energy from sustainable energy sources.

Objective of the contract:

The objective of this study is to carry out an integrated assessment of the electricity system in Grenada to improve the resilience of the grid and increase the penetration of lower cost intermittent renewable generation resources. The study is to develop a prioritised and costed investment plan, listing the likely projects underway.

Intercooperation project:

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