Photovoltaic plants in Mozambique

Location: Mozambique

Client/promoter: FUNAE

Added value:

As part of the efforts of the Government of Mozambique to increase access to electricity in rural areas, FUNAE – Energy Fund intends to use photovoltaic plants to electrify the Administrative Areas of Chintolo in the District of Cahora Bassa, Xipera in the District of Maravia, Province of Tete and Mapulanguene, in the District of Magude,  Province of Maputo.

FUNAE intends to build photovoltaic plants of 60 and 100 kWp to provide basic electricity services to these locations, to improve the quality of life and increase access to energy sources in the country.

The photovoltaic plants must be prepared for interconnection with the distribution network, which will be built in another contractor being the responsibility of the contractor of the distribution network to connect the photovoltaic plant.