Casa de Gaiato and its Commitment to Solar Energy


Savings in electrical costs and Training for the new Generations

In the heart of Mozambique’s Maputo province, Casa do Gaiato (CoG) has been a beacon of social support for rural communities for more than three decades. This non-profit organisation, located in the Boane district, has provided a wide range of vital services, from food to education, to orphaned children and needy families in neighbouring villages. With one of the largest and most successful schools in the region, CoG not only provides primary and secondary education, but also provides child pickup services and social support to families.

However, since its inception, this institution has faced a major challenge: the lack of an affordable and reliable electricity supply. As one of the few entities in the area connected to the national grid, CoG has had to bear high electricity bills and, consequently, a financial burden that has reduced its capacity for self-sufficiency. This situation has forced the organization to increasingly depend on external sources of funding to continue its community activities and projects.

But the problem doesn’t end there. The instability and low quality of the electricity supply have had a direct impact on CoG’s daily operations. From the interruption of activities to the frequent repair or replacement of machinery and appliances, the organization has had to resort to expensive and environmentally unsustainable diesel generators.

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This energy crisis is not an isolated CoG problem; It is a reality that affects the entire surrounding community. The need for a clean, affordable and reliable source of electricity was more urgent than ever, not only for the organization, but also for the families who depend on its services.

This initiative aims not only to alleviate the financial burden of the organization by installing a photovoltaic solar system of 42.8 kW and 40 kWh of storage capacity, but also to train the next generation of renewable energy technicians.

The first phase of the project has focused on reducing CoG’s electricity bills, which have been a significant obstacle to its self-sufficiency. With the use of batteries for energy storage, the organization hopes to establish a partially independent power supply, freeing up resources for other community projects.

In a strategic decision that reflects its sensitivity to the needs of the community, Casa do Gaiato (CoG) has chosen to prioritize the residential area in the event of network blackouts. 40 kWh backup batteries are connected exclusively to this area, allowing a longer power supply in critical situations. This choice highlights the humanitarian approach of the organization, which considers the residential area as the most critical compared to the productive area.

To ensure the success of the project, CoG has worked closely with us as an engineering cooperative specialized in renewable energies. Since the award of the contract, both parties have closely monitored the activities carried out by the subcontractor, holding regular biweekly meetings until the completion of the project.

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But this initiative goes beyond the simple installation of solar panels and batteries. The project in CoG is not only focused on short-term solutions. We understand that the sustainability of the installed system also depends on the training and education of the people who will take care of it. For this reason, an educational component has been incorporated into the project, offering theoretical and practical training  in photovoltaic solar systems to young people who reside in its facilities. This training is not limited to CoG residents; it also extends to young people from neighboring villages, with the assistance of the Fundação Encontro.

That is why we think that the impact of this initiative could be transformative on several levels. This is not only the first project of its kind in the region, but also serves as a model for future programs in the field of renewable energy. Through collaboration with local authorities, CoG and the Fundação Encontro aspire to make this initiative a starting point for a green energy revolution in the community.

That is why the main objectives of the plan are doubly impactful: on the one hand, to provide CoG with a more affordable and sustainable electricity supply, and on the other, to train a new generation of professionals in the field of renewable energies. This is a gamble for the future that could be game-changer not only for CoG, but for the entire region.


With an estimated annual saving of €3,500 in electricity bills and an educational impact that extends beyond its classrooms, Casa do Gaiato (CoG) is establishing a new paradigm in the use of renewable energies and education in Mozambique. This pioneering project has not only improved the financial sustainability of the organization, but has also opened up new learning avenues and job opportunities for young people in the community.

During the three months since its implementation, the photovoltaic installation has proven to be a resounding success. The annual saving of €3,500 is equivalent to the cost of university studies for three students, a significant contribution to CoG’s self-sufficiency. In addition, the backup system has been crucial in keeping operations uninterrupted, even during network blackouts that previously paralyzed the organization’s activities.

But the project goes beyond numbers. In the words of Arlindo Gabriel Baptista, professor of physics and computer science at CdG, this initiative has enriched the school curriculum, allowing him to introduce discussions on renewable energies in class. Baptista hopes this experience can lead to a vocational training course in photovoltaics at the school.

Rosa Francisco Anakondia, one of the students who participated in the training, reflects the transformative impact of the project. At the age of 24, Rosa has discovered a passion for renewable energy and aspires to a career in this rapidly expanding field. “I learned that it’s never too late to learn something,” says Anakondia, also highlighting her contribution to dismantling gender stereotypes in technical areas.


The impact of the project has been so important that work has begun on a 2nd phase of expansion of the photovoltaic installation in the area of La Fazenda, the Casa do Gaiato farm.

With this project, CoG has not only set a new standard in the use of renewable energy, but has also created a replicable model that could be the key to a sustainable energy revolution throughout the region.

Azimut World: international development cooperation area