Energy Autonomy in a Rural Environment in Menorca: Río de la Plata, beyond the General Electricity Grid

Energy Autonomy in a Rural Environment in Menorca: Río de la Plata, beyond the General Electricity Grid


Tasks developed:

  • Technical Evaluation
  • Installation
  • Programming and commissioning

Technical data

  • ⚡ 44 kWp installed power
  • 🔌 Three-phase 45 kVA off-grid system
  • 📐Plot area: 200m2
  • 💡 We estimate an annual production of 66 MWh/year
  • 🔋 Lithium battery 62 kWh

Added value:

Year: 2023

Autonomous off-grid solution

Three-phase electrical system isolated from the electricity grid, consisting of a photovoltaic field installed on the ground, lithium batteries to store solar energy, and a state-of-the-art management and control system. This solution allows the house to be fully self-sufficient and disconnected from the power grid.


  • Grid disconnection: when the owner acquired the property they did not know that it did not have a connection to the electricity grid. The family recognizes that an opportunity has arisen from a problem! Photovoltaic panels and lithium batteries have made it possible to turn the property into a home that is not only sustainable but also self-sufficient, without depending on electricity companies and fluctuations in the electricity market.
  • Intelligent Consumption Management: underfloor heating is activated when the battery is charged. In spring and autumn, we use surplus solar energy to keep the pool at a comfortable temperature. During the summer months, the pool cools down thanks to the energy surplus. The solar surplus is also used to fill the washrooms with water from the well. By means of precise control, we ensure critical consumption or use surplus energy for automated applications, thus ensuring the energy efficiency of the system. The key is the intelligent management of consumption through a very simplified maneuvering system.

🌱 Estimated CO2 savings: 33,210kg/year