Azimuth O2: Solar Medical Oxygen Solutions

Azimuth O2: Solar Medical Oxygen Solutions

Location: Chefchaouen, Morocco

Term: December 2020 to November 2021

Funded by: Impulsem el que fas. Barcelona Activa


Contribute to the access of medical oxygen to people and children suffering from diseases with associated hypoxia.
The Azimut O2 project has a strong gender component, as the ultimate goal of this project is to ensure access to the Right to Health often violated in the countries of the global south in which Azimut O2 intervenes.

Women suffer more from the violation of the Right to Health, although they are the main users of health systems due to the high number of pregnancies and childbirths, but they are also very frequently the only companions and caregivers of all children and elderly people in the family who may need medical attention. The improvement of medical care and health systems improves the situation of women around the world.


  • Insulation tests (suitable technical and acoustic insulation) on electrical and oxygen-generating equipment.
  • Organization and stockpiling of technological and instrumentation and measurement equipment for carrying out R&D& I tasks;
  • Prototype assembly (workbench) and future product assembly
  • Communication and dissemination of the project