Inauguration of the Tanafelt solar micro-grid

Inauguration of the Tanafelt solar micro-grid.

On 12 June, in Dardara (Chefchaouen, Morocco), was held the conference to mark the start of the project “Improving the competitiveness of the Tanafelt Women’s Textile Cooperative for local economic development in Northern Morocco”. The project, developed jointly with the local counterpart ADL-Al Maghrib and co-financed by AECID, focused on consolidating two projects of Social and Solidary Economy: the Textile Cooperative of women of Tanafelt and the Cooperative of renewable energies Codiber. The latter was created in the framework of a project executed by Azimut 360 in partnership with the City of Chefchaouen.
The improvement of the competitiveness of the textile cooperative has been achieved in part through access to 24/24h quality electricity through a 4.2 kWp solar micro-grid that serves the school, the nursery and the homes of the teachers of the village. Cooperative members have attended various training courses in electrical sewing and product marketing, which has enabled them to expand their production capacity as well as their product catalogue and customer market.
Codiber, the Chefchaouen renewable energy cooperative, consolidated and strengthened its competencies through theoretical-practical training it received as an installation company in the execution of the Tanafelt solar micro-grid.