Electric progress in Niger: improving infrastructure in rural communities

Assistance in the management of the NESAP component 2 project

Client: Trama Tecnoambiental S.L.

Promotor: Nigerien Agency for the Promotion of Electrification in Rural Areas (ANPER)

Location: Niger

Tasks performed:

  • Development of the design and technical specifications for the distribution networks of seven mini electricity grids.
  • Detailed evaluation of the validity of technical documents related to the design and implementation of the mini-grids.

General objective:

The Solar Access Project in Niger (NESAP) aims to improve access to reliable electricity services in rural Niger. Within this framework, AZIMUT 360 has been responsible for designing and providing the technical specifications for the distribution networks of seven mini-grids, which will be included in the project’s tender dossier.

Value added:

The intervention of AZIMUT 360 ensures that the designs and technical specifications not only conform to international standards, but also consider local realities, ensuring that the mini electricity grids will be efficient and sustainable. In addition, the critical analysis of the technical documents ensures that all methodologies and calculations are accurate and appropriate, facilitating a successful and lasting implementation of the NESAP project, improving the quality of life of rural communities in Niger.